Nashville Community Oversight Board Demands Police Don’t Ask Illegal Immigrants about Citizenship


Members of Metro Nashville’s Community Oversight Board demanded this week that Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) officers stop asking people about their immigration and citizenship status.

COB members also demanded that MNPD keep tabs on what U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers do in Davidson County.

This, according to the COB’s first policy advisory report, which they plan to present to MNPD Chief Steve Anderson.

“The MNPD should create and implement policies that discourage police officers from asking about immigration or citizenship status,” according to the COB report.

“If an officer does ask about immigration status or citizenship status, they should be required to document that they asked and provide a justification for the question in their report narratives.”

COB members also want MNPD officers to document whenever federal immigration enforcement officials call on them during their enforcement actions in Davidson County, the report said.

“Given recent high-profile events involving federal immigration enforcement officials and Metro Government first responders within the Nashville community, DEC and MNPD should better document incidents in which federal agencies call for local law enforcement assistance,” according to the report.

“By keeping records that accurately capture these instances, Metro government officials can better assess the impact that these calls are having on the community as well as keep track of the Metro government resources expended on such requests.”

According to a COB press release, board members want Anderson to adopt their recommendations. Per its charter, COB members can issue policy advisory reports and recommendations to agencies involved in public safety and the administration of justice in Nashville and Davidson County.

COB Vice Chair Andrés Martinéz requested the policy advisory report, according to the press release.

The approved version of the report, Policy Advisory Report Examining Local Law Enforcement Policies and Immigration Enforcement Actions  is available for the public to read on the COB website.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Metro Police Car” by The Metro Nashville Police Department. 






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4 Thoughts to “Nashville Community Oversight Board Demands Police Don’t Ask Illegal Immigrants about Citizenship”

  1. Ron Welch

    So does this giving a pass apply equally to anyone who has violated federal law, you know, according to “the equal protection of the laws” (14th Amendment) ? Otherwise, it seems the “oversight board” doesn’t support “the rule of law” and “no one is above the law”.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Figures. They are a blight on the community.

  3. rick

    This useless idiotic board has no authority to demand anything. This board was set up because of minority pressure and for the democrats to retain their vote. The board should be defunded as Metro is broke and we are broke because we are wasting taxpayer money for useless leftist progressive junk like this.

    1. chris

      They would love nothing more than to turn Tennessee into a third world dump like California,this must not be allowed to happen
